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Beast crawl – Train P3 locomotive pattern series

Beast crawl – Train P3 locomotive pattern series
06 Apr

Humans are incredibly versatile and adaptable beings that can move and travel through space and different environments in a variety of ways. We can crawl, roll, walk, swim, climb, run, brachiate, jump, run, walk on all fours and more.   A term “locomotive pattern” is a description of a movement of human body traveling through space.

As a movement and skill based strength training method, at Train P3, we believe locomotive patters are hugely important in developing a functional, strong and resilient humans and athletes.  Today we are covering a quadrupedal pattern we call a beast crawl.  Some call this a bear crawl and there are other names for it too.  Regardless of what you call it, it is an important pattern to practice.  The beast crawl a full body move which helps increase coordination, strengthens core, shoulders and hips and is a lot of fun!  Recently coach Nerijus recorded a video for Qinetic describing the Beast Crawl, how to perform it and where it fits in your current training program.


Try the beast crawl, tag us on instagram, facebook and twitter at @trainp3 and #TrainP3 with your attempts and variations of the beast and other locomotive patterns.  Share this with your friends, and check in soon to see more locomotive patterns we use in Train P3 sessions.
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