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Train P3 Exercise of the Week Extended plank to Up Dog

Train P3 Exercise of the Week Extended plank to Up Dog
11 May


This is a anterior core, shoulder stability and spinal mobility exercise all packed into one – Enjoy!



Extended Plank to Up Dog! Train P3 exercise to target anterior core, shoulder stability and spinal mobility all at once!


Start in a plank position with hips in line with your head and shoulders stacked over your hands.  Establish a hollow body by tucking your hips into a posterior pelvic tilt, squeezing your glutes and bracing your abs.  Maintain this position and keep the trunk parallel to the floor as you walk or slide your feet back, into an extended plank.  Go as low as you can while maintaining a hollow back.  At the worst you can come to neutral, but never arch and try to stay hollow the whole time.   Once you reach your  lowest position, walk your feet up and come back to a plank.  Drop your hips down as you push your chest forward to an up dog position used in yoga.  Keep your shoulders wide and away from your ears, look up, and most importantly, stay engaged in your lower abs and pelvic floor to protect your lower back.  Take a deep breath and repeat.


We use a variation of this exercise in almost every warm up or often add it to our strength circuits at Train P3.  This move pairs well with a hip extension movement like a dumbbell snatch, kettlebell swing, Glute Ham hip extension, or a harop curl.   In a three exercise circuit, we would also include a rotational move like a medicine ball rotational throw.  This type of pairing would engage the anterior, posterior and rotational chain systems with an added benefit of mobilizing the spine.  BANG BANG BANG!!!  We typically perform this exercise for three to five sets of 5 repetitions.


Do you have a variation of this move?  Share it with us below or on our Facebook page or tag us on Instagram.
And of course come take our Outdoor Group Classes where we will do lots of variations of this and other advanced bodyweight moves.

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